World Population Day 2020

School Updates

World Population Day 2020

World Population Day

The World Population Day celebrated on 11th of July every year reminds us of our clear-cut responsibility to protect our Mother Earth by restricting the increase in our numbers.

On the occasion of World Population Day, 2020, let us promise to ourselves to be more conscientious and contain the increasing population. We have been gifted with such a beautiful world and the onus of protecting it is undeniably on our shoulders only. By understanding our responsibility, we will be successful in passing it on to posterity without reducing the beauty, without the slightest damage, as they have every right to live in an unpolluted and amazing home. Therefore, let us control the rising population to make it a better place for us to live, as well to our future generation. We at Abhyasa grab every opportunity to help our children realize their responsibility as future owners of the world. We are proud to present the creative expression of our children in this regard.