Abhyasa Values

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Abhyasa Values

Abhyasa Values


Right is Right even if No One is doing it.
Wrong is Wrong even if Everyone is doing it.
Being on Right Side – Imbues the power to achieve!


Just as a tender sapling needs support for growth
Young minds need systematic guidance for stability in life. No Strong winds can uproot a deep-Rooted Tree !


The most important quality of a successful leader
is the ability to Feel what others are Feeling !
A Leader’s Empathy touches & transforms the multitudes.

Open Mindedness

Plurality and Diversity are the very nature of Existence
Expecting homogeneity in humanity is a narrow view of life The more open we are in life – more the Opportunities.


The intuitive ability to take a right decision at the right time
to produce the most acceptable result arises from an Honest - Open minded –Empathetic – Creative Individual.

Team Work

A Team can achieve much more than what an Individual can
The world is not a peak that accommodates one winner. It is a plateau that can hold all the winners together !