School Updates


Abhyasa welcomed the New Students. To warm up the conversation among the New Abhyasites and to facilitate forming themselves into a team ABHYASITES celebrated ICE-BREAKING ......Many students feel shy to express themselves even though they have immense potential. An unknown environment stands as a great barrier to exploring their hidden potentials. Here successful icebreaking has ensured a safe environment to explore the latent talents of the students. Until and unless the new students feel free and friendly with each other, they will hardly start a conversation.

The fun filled evening was started by the lightning of lamp by our CEO & Founder Director Mr. Vinayaka kalletla garu , our School Advisor Mrs. Veena Venugopal and the School Principal. Enthusiastic performances as dances, skits, fun games, Magic show etc. Buddies were allotted to the new students of Abhyasa followed by the open dance.