

School Updates

Gandhi Jayanthi at Abhyasa

Abhyasa participated in the Gandhi Open-Book Exams Contest held by the Gandhi Peace Foundation on 23rd September,2012. An Abhyasite named Kumari Divya(from Class IX ‘A') secured third place out of thousands of entries from different schools all over India.She was felicitated with a trophy along with a cash prize of Rs.3000/- on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi. Also, Abhyasa International Residential School has been awarded with a special trophy for sending the largest number of students to the Gandhi Open-Book Exam Contest. Kudos to the School Director & Founder Principal, Principal In charge, Vice Principal and co-ordinator of the Gandhi Open-Book Exams, Mr. V P Ravindran,for their persistent motivation and unrelenting support to the student participants.Not only were the Abhyasites all along while going through the master-piece the Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi – "My Experiments with Truth" but they were enthusiastically responsive in answering a set of thought-provoking questions about Mahatma Gandhi's life from the test-booklet as well. A set of Gandhian values such as Truth, Non-violence, etc., seemed to have made a deep inroad in to the minds of Abhyasites in the process.

Well, in view of the zealous and meticulous efforts on the part of student participants in answering a plethora of thought-provoking questions based on the content of the given book(on Gandhi's autobiography), it can be asserted that there should be many more such value based exercises.