

School Updates

Wish You A Very Happy New Year 2012
Hurray….It is the time where history of another successful year of Abhyasa closed the chapter of 2011 and opened a new chapter of another year with the name "2012".

The Principal of Abhyasa Residential School, Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla bid farewell to the year 2011 in his speech. He spoke on the superstitions revolving around the Mayan tribe beliefs and the much talked, decisive 12.12.12. He also mentioned that the world at large has already started celebrating the New Year at different time zones. The well decorated stage show cased cultural programmes by Middle and High school students. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the assortment of programs that included dances, skit and a fashion show.

The countdown was there to remind before celebrations begin for the New Year; to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by; to remember both our triumphs and learnings, our promises made and met; the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures. New Year is all about - getting another chance, a chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more and above all to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what would be.

Students welcomed the New Year in a traditional style. Exactly at 11.45 pm, packed to the hilt, Priyanka's Play-Pen observed silence and waited patiently.

"Like a candle lit at a neighboring flame, one should burn with a steady and separate light" said Vinoba Bhave, the great freedom fighter. Candles symbolize life, goodness and purity; hence as per the tradition of the school, the students lit their candles and awaited the arrival of the New Year 2012. The hall glowed in candle light as the dome of silence enveloped the parting year.

Meanwhile the senior students read the scriptures of different religions; especially chapters from the holy Quran, the holy Bible and the holy Bhagavad-Gita. This was followed by a prayer service for World Peace by the Vice Principal (Admn). She then greeted the New Year warmly by cutting the beautifully decorated three tire cake. Three camp fires steadily burning in the Amphi Theatre stood as the witness for another unique celebration of the event. Children circled around the camp fire and hummed their favorite tunes.

After the sharing of the cake, the atmosphere went ga – ga -over the tune of blaring music and the rhythm of dancing feet.

May the spirit of a remarkable New Year usher in good tidings for all of you. Wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR from Abhyasa.

Let us sing and dance...

Wish you a very happy new year- 2012

Wish you a very happy new year- 2012

Candles to share love...