Bonalu Celebrations at Abhyasa Campus 2017

School Updates

Dental Camp 2017

Good Day all of u...

With the Blessings of Shri Satya Sai Baba & under guidance of Shri.Vinaayaka Kalleetla garu, On 18th July 2017, at Abhyasa International Residential School, Campus Dental check up camp is conducted for the Students of Abhyasa.

Dr. Rama Krishna & Dr. Veena, Dental Surgeons From Shadnagar, have conducted check up to know the dental problems of the students.

The students got ample opportunities to interact with the dental surgeons to enquire and gain knowledge concerning oral diseases. On completion of the dental checkup each student was given a Patient Card, a report summary of the diagnosed problem and the recommended dental treatment plan.

The surgeons also detailed about the possible formation of harmful acid which develops when bacteria (plaque) get in contact with sugar in the mouth which ultimately results in tooth decay. "Added sugars often are present in soft drinks, candies, cookies, pastries and therefore to help control the consumption of sugar one must read the food labels and choose the right foods and beverages that are low in added sugar", the dental surgeons added.

Our C.O.O. Mr.Sai Kumar Sir garu felicitated the Doctor Couple with Momento.

Thanks to the Doctor Couple.