Abhyasa Arts & Crafts Exhibition 2018

School Updates

Abhyasa Arts & Crafts Exhibition 2018

With the blessings of Bhagwan shri Satya Sai Baba, Abhyasa International Residential School, conducted Arts & Crafts Festival-2018, on Mar 04th 2018, which drew huge appreciation to the student's creativity.

The Art works, drawings, paintings etc & craft works, the master pieces prepared by students from waste & more of all the students of Abhyasa were kept for display in order to expose the brilliance of the young generation. As more as 3000 paintings & drawings as well as 1000 & above craft items were arranged in order of student name & Class.

Famous Artist Kum. Kavita Deuskar, was invited as chief guest. She has given a demonstration to the students on how to keep your thought on to canvas, she also explained how different materials are used & advancements in the field of Painting & Drawing.

After the demonstration, inagguration of Arts & crafts fest is done, Ribbon cutting by our chief guest Madam, Kavita Deuskar. & then lighting of the lamp infront of Bhagwan Sri Satya Sai Baba. Then she observed the paintings & drawings of students & appreciated the student's & young generation thinking process. She was amazed by few junior student's art works.

Then after parents visited the exhibition in playpen, observed their wards art & crafts works, the learning process & progress is observed by parents in their wards Art & drawing as well as craft making skills. All the parents appreciated their wards & even many bought their wards works to home.

Students & Parents both heartly thank Abhyasa for keeping the exhibition of all the works done by students to parents in presence of students & Teachers.