

School Updates

Maha Shivratri Celebrations 2014

One of the most revered religious festivals in the country and celebrated all over. Maha Shivratri (the 'Great Night of Shiva') is a Hindu festival celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva. The Mahashivratri festival, also much popular as 'Shivratri' or 'Great Night of Lord Shiva', is observed on the 13th night/14th day in the Krishna Paksha every year on the month of Maagh according to the Hindu calendar. Maha Shivratri is associated with Marriage of Shiva and Shakti.

All these legends signify that this day is the favourite day of Lord Shiva and also throw light on the greatness of Lord Shiva and his supremacy over all other Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Mahashivaratri also marks the night when Lord Shiva performed the 'Tandava', the cosmic dance.

According to another legend Samudra Manthan , Shiva saved the world from the disastrous effects of a poison that emerged as a byproduct of churning of sea (Samudra manthan), by consuming whole of it. Shiva could arrest the poison in his throat by his Yogic powers and it could not go down his body. His neck turned blue due to effect of poison on his throat and henceforth he is also called as Neela Kantha or The blue Throated.

All the Abhyasites were ready early in the morning and were beaming with enthusiasm for going to the Shiva Temple.

Whole school was chanting Bhajans and shlokas as we marched in an orderly manner to the Temple. Everyone paid their offerings in the temple.

In the afternoon our Founder Principal and Director Mr Vinaayaka Kalleetla did Homam and the entire campus was charged with the spiritual vibes. The Shiva Idol in the campus was neatly decorated a day before. The temple was also beautifully decorated with lots of Flowers and the smell of Incense sticks added extra energy to the already spiritual atmosphere. In the evening all the students were present for the Homam and everyone chanted the sacred Mantras.

In the night a select few students took part in the Jaagran and were continuously chanting Shlokas and Mantras.

Here you can see our Dean Mr Bhaskar singing Bhajans and the students following him. I am sure everyone was blessed as this festival came just before the Final Exams and all students prayed with their heart mind and soul.